Vomiting (Chardi)
Causes: Vomiting is caused by the following:
Váyu, Pitta, Kapha, Tridoßha, and unpleasant sensory
experience. Upward moving Váyu (Udána) becomes
abnormal and aggravates all the doßhas causing them
to move upward.
Premonitory Symptoms: Nausea, salty taste in
mouth, excess salivation, loss of taste and appetite.
Váyu: Vomiting of food causes pain in the navel
region, back, and ribs, regurgitating occurs a little at
a time, with an astringent taste and frothy substance;
it is blackish, thin, and is emitted only with difficulty
and force. Other symptoms include belching,
coughing, dry mouth, heart and head pain, hoarseness,
and exhaustion. Vomiting caused by parasites, thirst,
áma, and pregnancy are also caused by Váyu.
Pitta: Vomit is ashen, brown, green, or yellow in
color. It may be bloody, sour or bitter tasting, and
hot. Thirst, fainting, heat, or burning sensations in
the body may be felt.
Kapha: Substance is oily, thick, cold and thready,
sweet or salty tasting, and comes out in a large,
continuous quantity; hair stands on end, the face
swells, one feels a stupor, nausea, and cough.
Tridoßha: Symptoms of all the doßhas appear.
Senses: Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or
touching unpleasant, dirty things, foul smells, disturb
the mind, causing vomiting associated with heart
region pain.
Only when vomiting is not associated with
complications can it be healed. When severe vomiting
occurs in persons who are weak, with bleeding or
pus, or have a moon-like complexion, they cannot be
General: All forms of vomiting are due to gastric
irritation. Therapies of lightening (exercise,
sunbathing), and for Váyu-caused vomiting are used
first. Harítakí with raw honey, or castor oil with boiled
milk, reduces the upward motion of the doßhas. An
emetic is advised. Debilitated persons should use only
pacifying measures.
Váyu: Bilwa, barley, cardamom, cloves, coriander,
ginger, raspberry, vaå¤ha lochana, Pippalí, black
pepper, and garlic. If the person suffers heart
palpitations, ghee, rock salt, yogurt, and pomegranate
juice are recommended.
Pitta: Neem, chiráyatá, bilwa, coriander,
raspberry, vaå¤ha lochana, sugar cane. If Pitta is
excessed in the stomach, an emetic with sweet herbs
(e.g., licorice) is administered to cleanse the stomach.
Afterwards, one drinks a mixture of cooked barley
with raw honey and cane sugar, or basmati rice with
green lentil soup. Grapes and coconut are also useful
foods. Ámalakí, pittapapra, balá, and sandalwood
may be mixed with food.
Kapha: An emetic made with a decoction of
pippalí, neem, and rock salt cleanses the undigested
food toxins (áma) from the stomach. Afterwards, (at
meal time) barley may be eaten with neem and yogurt/
water (1/4:3/4), green lentils. Herbs include
cardamom, bilwa, cloves, ginger, triphalá, musta, and
raspberry, which, when mixed with raw honey, stop
Tridoßha: Herbs, foods, and other therapies advised
for each doßha are used. Season, time of day, strength
of the person, and their digestion, are all taken into
Psychological Stress: Pleasant conversation,
consolation, exhilaration, stories, socializing with
friends all help reduce the stress that causes vomiting.
Additionally, pleasant aromas and flowers, fermented
drinks, sour fruits and vegetables all contribute to
If a person experiences any complications while
vomiting, appropriate measures as described in the
respective chapters are used. Long-term vomiting
greatly aggravates Váyu.
Thus, a Váyu-reducing diet (i.e., bulk- and
semen-promoting foods and herbs) is used to restore
balance and strength.