Important Ghrita Yogas (Medicated Ghee)


Indications : 

Kshata, ksheena, durbala (weak),kaarsya (emaciated), kaasa, hidhma(hiccup) , jwara (fever), swaasa (asthma), daaha (burning sensation), trishnaa (thirst), raktapita, chardi (vomiting), moorcha (fainting), mootarogam(urinary diseases). 

AaragwadhaaMahaathiktakam Ghrutham 


Twak rogas (skin diseases), Switram, Kushtam. 

Brahmi Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Unmaadam(psychic disorder), Kushtam ( skin diseases), Apasmaaram (epilepsy) Increases the memory and intellectual power, 

Dadimaadi Ghrutham 


Paandu, gulmam, agnimaandyam, arsas, vaata rogas, More suitable for pregnant ladies for easy delivery . 

Dhanwantharam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Prameham (diabetes), Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases),Paandu(anaemia),Gulmam, Vidradhi(abscess), Arsas ( haemorrhoids),Swaasam (asthma),Kaasam (cough),Chardi (vomiting), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Vrudhi, Pleeha rogam,Vaataraktam, Unmaadam (psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) 

Chiruvilwaadi Ghrutham 


Arsas, Kshayam, aruchi, gulmam, soolam, Hidhmam,. 

Dhaathryaadi Ghrutham 


Asrugdaram (excess bleeding), paandu (Anaemia), asthisraavam (white discharge ),raktapitam, unmaadam, madaatyayam. Helps the Garbhaasaya (uterus) for better consumption. 

Grahanyanthakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Gulmam, Grahani (I.B.S) Increases the digestive power. 

Gulgguluthikthakam Ghrutham 


Severe Vata disorders, Kushtam, Nadeevranam, Arbudam, Gandamaala, , Urdhagata rogas ( Diseases pertaining to head and associated organs)Gulmam, arsas, prameham, vidradhi, vata raktam.

Indukaantham Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Vaata roga, Kshayam (TB or emaciation ), mahodaram, gulmam, soolam (pain in the abdomen), vishama jwaram ( intermittent fever ) increases the physical strength.(balam) 

Jaathyaadi Ghrutham 


All types of Dushtavrana. External use only 

Jeevanthyaadi Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Timiram (cataract). Also for Tharpanam 

Jeevathyaadi Yamakam 


Cracking of foot, hand. External use 

Kalyaanakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Prameham (diabetes), Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases),Paandu(anaemia),Gulmam,Swaasam (asthma), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Unmaadam(psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) especially in the psychic disorder cases, for increasing memory, intellect, aayu, kaanti etc..

Kaaraskara Ghrutham 


Raktavaatam, pain, burning sensation and oedema. 

Mahaakalyaanakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Prameham (diabetes), Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases),Paandu(anaemia),Gulmam,Swaasam (asthma), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Unmaadam(psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy).especially in the psychic disorder cases, for increasing memory, intellect, aayu, kaanti etc.. 

Mahat Panchagavyam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases), Paandu (anaemia),Gulmam, Arsas ( haemorrhoids), Kaasam (cough), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB), Unmaadam (psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) Udaram,, bhagantaram and kaamila. 



Vatarogam, Ksheenam (general weakness). 

Mahaathikthakam Ghrutham 


Pitha vikaaras, Kushtam ( skin diseases Due to pita imbalance ), Pitakaa, visarpam,Nadeevranam, Apachi,vidradhi ( abscess ),Gulmam, sopham ( oedema ), unmaadam ( psychic disorders), hrudrogam (Heart disorders),timiram( cataract ),Grahani (irritable bowel syndrome ), kaamila ( jaundice ), apasmaaram (epilepsy ), mahodaram,raktasraavam( bleeding ),Visham (Toxins or Poisonous ),arsas (Haemorrhoids), and raktapitam. 

Mrisraka Sneham 

Used as a Virechana drug.(Purgative) 



Increases the physical and mental strength, Sukravrudhi, Complexion, etc.. Prevents the hair loss,

Panchagavyam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Unmaadam(psychic disorder), Apasmaaram (epilepsy) Increases the memory and intellectual power, 

Patolaadi Ghrutham 


Netrarogam (eye diseases), naasarogam(Nasal diseases), vidradhi (abscess ), karnarogam (ear diseases),jwaram, dushtavranam (old wounds), visrpam, apachi, kushtam (skin diseases), and eye diseases like timiram, doshaadhyam, ushnavidagdha, amlavidagdha, naktaandhya etc.. 



All types of Garbhaasaya rogas (uterus disorders), Especially in mooddhagarbham, garbhasraavam, miscarriage etc.. 

Pippalyaadi Ghrutham 


Jwaram (Fever in later stages), kshayam(TB), kaasam (Cough), siroruk,Paarswasoola,  sarvaangasantaapam (burning sensation all over the body), vishamaagni (improper digestive fire). 

Raasnaadi Ghrutham 


Vaatarogam, kaasam, sosham. 

Sapthasaaram Ghrutham 


Vid bandham (Constipation), Agni mandyam (Weak digestion) Yoni soola, Hrut soola (Heart pain) Kukshi soolam (Stomach pain) Prshta soolam( Back) Sroni soolam ( Hip). Mahodaram, Ashtteela (Tumour) Gulmam, Pleeha (Spleen disorders) . 

Saaraswatham Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Unmaadam(psychic disorder ), Apasmaaram (epilepsy). Increases the memory and intellectual power. 

Sarvaamayaanthakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Aaddyavaatam, hanustambham, greevastambham, jihwaastambham, aakshepakam, pakshaaghaatam,arditam, oorustambham, karastambham, swaasam, vataraktam, yoni soolam, vastisoolam, hrutsoolam,kukshisoolam, paarswasoolam, kanddasoolam, all types of kapha vitiated diseases, 80 vata rogas, 40 pitarogas,also it passifies jwaram,kshayam, kaasam,Unmaadam(psychic disorder), Kushtam ( skin diseases) and Apasmaaram (epilepsy) 

Sathadhautham Ghrutham 


Pitha vitiated condition, Skin diseases, Dushtavranam, burning sensation. 

Sathaavari Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Mutrakruchram, mutradosham, sarkarasmari. 

Shatpalam Ghrutham 


Pleeha rogam, vishamajwaram, agnimaandyam, aruchi, kshayam, kaasam, swaasam. 

Sukumaaram Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Antravrudhi ( hernia), vidradhi ( abscess), gulmam, arsas ( haemorrhoids ), yonirogam ( vaginal diseases ), vaatavyaadhi, sopham ( oedema), mahodaram, pleeha rogam (spleen disorders ), vid bandham ( constipation ). Increases complexion, vitality, physical strength etc, 

Thikthakam Ghrutham 


Pitha vikaaras, Kushtam ( skin diseases Due to pita imbalance ), Pitakaa, visarpam, Nadeevranam, Apachi,vidradhi ( abscess ),Gulmam, sopham ( oedema ), unmaadam ( psychic disorders), hrudrogam (Heart disorders),timiram( cataract ),Grahani (irritable bowel syndrome ), kaamila( jaundice ), apasmaaram (epilepsy ),mahodaram,raktasraavam( bleeding ),Visham (Toxins or Poison),arsas (Haemorrhoids), and raktapitam. 

Thraikandakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Mutradosham, prameham, mootrakruchram, vata vikaaras.

Varaahyaadi Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Yoni rogas. Internal or external ( vasti) 

Varanaadi Ghrutham 


Gulmam, andarvidradhi, kapha rogas, medorogas, Sirasoolam. 

Varanaadi Ksheera Ghrutham 


Gulmam, andarvidradhi, kapha rogas, medorogas, Sirasoolam. Only used for Nasaya.. 

Vasthiaamayaanthakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Vastirogas, Mutrarogas 

Vidaari Kalyaanakam Ghrutham 


Kaarsyam, gulmam, angamardam, Urdhaswaasam, sosham, hrudrogam, and vatapita diorders. Jwaram(fever),Paandu (anaemia), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Unmaadam,(psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) especially in the psychic disorder cases,Brumhanam (increases body weight)and increasing memory, intellect, aayu, kaanti, Etc 

Vidaariaadi Ghrutham 


Kaarsyam, gulmam, angamardam, Urdhaswaasam, sosham, hrudrogam, and vatapita diorders. Brumhanam (Increases body weight). 

Vidaariaadi Ganam 


Kaarsyam, gulmam, angamardam, Urdhaswaasam, sosham, hrudrogam and vatapita diorders. Brumhanam. ( Increases body weight). 

Vrusha Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Kaasa and swaasa.

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